Bright Stars Buzzing After Bee Presentation May 19th 2022 < back to all news For this year’s Bright Stars challenge, the students at our partner school Victoria Junior School in Workington have decided to create bee habitats in their local area. Earlier this week, NSG’s Ben Mundow supported Dr Dominic Rhodes MBE, Technical Specialist at Sellafield Ltd and third-generation apiarist, as he gave a presentation to the students on the basics of beekeeping. Dominic’s talk explained the importance of bees, why they are so essential to our ecosystem and how the world depends heavily on them. This involved describing their societal hierarchy, behaviour, what and how they pollinate, and how we can encourage bees in our own back garden (borage is a flower that bees particularly love). Dominic passed around honey frames to the class, some of which had beeswax on, and the students were thoroughly engaged and asked many questions, many of which were focused on understanding how we can help bees. After the talk, Dominic handed out bee suits for the children to try on so they could understand what it’s like to be an apiarist, as well as encouraging them to look into the fascinating hobby. A huge thanks to Dominic for presenting such an interesting and informative talk! < back to all news