Decommissioning Planning and Characterisation Our people are experts in every stage of the decommissioning lifecycle. Our experience, together with a detailed understanding of the practical challenges encountered during nuclear decommissioning and the variety of different wastes that can be generated, enables us to underpin and deliver efficient and achievable decommissioning and waste disposal strategies. We have worked on the vast majority of the UK’s nuclear establishments and fully understand the radiological and conventional safety challenges, ensuring lessons are learned and best practice is embedded into our implementable solutions. Pragmatic use of the Data Quality Objectives (DQO) process supports appropriate waste characterisation and we are leaders in preparing submissions to support disposability assessments for all waste types, including the consignment of lower activity waste and to support the management of higher activity waste. We engage our in-house operatives and health physics personnel to gather characterisation data and collect samples to underpin and validate our solutions. Similarly, we utilise our in-house engineering capability to support decommissioning planning and develop plant and equipment to support decommissioning. We also work with our customers to ensure robust post-operational clean-out (POCO) is undertaken to optimise future waste management and decommissioning activities, as well as implementing POCO and appropriate pre-works to facilitate an optimal decommissioning approach. CLICK ON THE HEXAGONS BELOW TO READ MORE ABOUT OUR INDIVIDUAL SERVICES Problem Definition and Strategy Development Problem Definition and Strategy DevelopmentResearch and DevelopmentLifecycle Engineering Design & Build Decommissioning Planning and CharacterisationInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsResearch and DevelopmentInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsResearch and DevelopmentLifecycle Engineering Design & BuildIntegrated Waste Management and DecommissioningIntegrated Waste Management and DecommissioningResearch and DevelopmentInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsProblem Definition and Strategy DevelopmentInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsResearch and DevelopmentInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsDecommissioning Planning and CharacterisationIntegrated Waste Management and DecommissioningLifecycle Engineering Design & BuildInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsIntegrated Waste Management and DecommissioningDecommissioning Planning and CharacterisationIntegrated Waste Management and DecommissioningIntegrated Waste Management and Decommissioning Decommissioning Planning and Characterisation Programme, Project and Site Construction ManagementSustainable and safe delivery