Integrated Waste Management and Decommissioning We support our customers with waste-led decommissioning and disposability-led waste management. Our complete range of services, including our consultancy and engineering professionals, radiological experts and implementation teams, gives us the skill set to deliver all aspects of a project and overcome complex challenges in uniquely hazardous environments, which is often what sets us apart from our competitors. Our integrated project teams deliver all aspects of the waste management and decommissioning process, from developing the initial concept and generating robust documentation packages to hands-on health physics, waste management and decommissioning operations in radiologically contaminated environments ranging from C0 to C5 area designations. Our in-house radiological teams provide flexibility and a reduced reliance on the supply chain, improving efficiency and consistency across projects and ensuring lessons learned are embedded into our delivery approach. Our waste consultants and waste officers are integrated into delivery teams to ensure waste management remains a priority and our waste-led decommissioning approach remains consistent throughout delivery. Our integrated waste management and decommissioning skill set includes: Size reduction and deplanting Decontamination via a range of techniques, including scabbling, concrete planing, SpongeJet and manual techniques Specialist pressurised suit operations Management of complementary controlled area asbestos remediation Routine health physics operations in support of project delivery Waste management, including sampling, packaging, inventory management and final disposal Final sampling, analysis and clearance surveys Demolition management CLICK ON THE HEXAGONS BELOW TO READ MORE ABOUT OUR INDIVIDUAL SERVICES Problem Definition and Strategy Development Problem Definition and Strategy DevelopmentResearch and DevelopmentLifecycle Engineering Design & Build Decommissioning Planning and CharacterisationInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsResearch and DevelopmentInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsResearch and DevelopmentLifecycle Engineering Design & BuildIntegrated Waste Management and DecommissioningIntegrated Waste Management and DecommissioningResearch and DevelopmentInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsProblem Definition and Strategy DevelopmentInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsResearch and DevelopmentInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsDecommissioning Planning and CharacterisationIntegrated Waste Management and DecommissioningLifecycle Engineering Design & BuildInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsIntegrated Waste Management and DecommissioningDecommissioning Planning and CharacterisationIntegrated Waste Management and DecommissioningIntegrated Waste Management and Decommissioning Decommissioning Planning and Characterisation Programme, Project and Site Construction ManagementSustainable and safe delivery