Problem Definition and Strategy Development Accurately defining the problem and the strategies available to address these challenges is fundamental for successful delivery. Our people are experts in problem definition. Calling on the considerable expertise of our Consultancy Services team, coupled with over 40 years of practical implementation experience, we guarantee robust and deliverable solutions. Whether developing decommissioning strategies, addressing waste disposal challenges or scrutinising engineering designs, our proven and systematic approach delivers outcomes that are underpinned and defendable. We achieve this through the use of qualitative and quantitative option assessment processes, including the application of behavioural change science and the Data Quality Objectives (DQO) process tailored to a particular application, as well as the more traditional optioneering and decision analysis tools and methodologies. CLICK ON THE HEXAGONS BELOW TO READ MORE ABOUT OUR INDIVIDUAL SERVICES Problem Definition and Strategy Development Problem Definition and Strategy DevelopmentResearch and DevelopmentLifecycle Engineering Design & Build Decommissioning Planning and CharacterisationInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsResearch and DevelopmentInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsResearch and DevelopmentLifecycle Engineering Design & BuildIntegrated Waste Management and DecommissioningIntegrated Waste Management and DecommissioningResearch and DevelopmentInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsProblem Definition and Strategy DevelopmentInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsResearch and DevelopmentInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsDecommissioning Planning and CharacterisationIntegrated Waste Management and DecommissioningLifecycle Engineering Design & BuildInstallation, Commissioning and OperationsIntegrated Waste Management and DecommissioningDecommissioning Planning and CharacterisationIntegrated Waste Management and DecommissioningIntegrated Waste Management and Decommissioning Decommissioning Planning and Characterisation Programme, Project and Site Construction ManagementSustainable and safe delivery